... convened in a virtual format. The theme of this year’s conference is ‘International Cooperation: Navigating the Way Ahead’. The conference participants discuss current trends in international cooperation and their implications for the future of international security and multilateralism.
The focus of experts, diplomats, military and civil society leaders is on the changing balance of power in the world, the development of artificial intelligence and other new technologies, the crisis of international ...
Ksenia Kuzmina, RIAC Program Manager, took part in the Conference and spoke at the session “Unplanned or Planned encounters: Building codes to prevent incidents at sea."
On November 16–17, 2020, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam held the
12th South China Sea International Conference
titled “Maintaining Peace and Cooperation through Time of Turbulence.”
Ksenia Kuzmina, RIAC Program Manager, took part in the Conference and spoke at the session “Unplanned or Planned encounters: Building codes...
The Eastern Mediterranean region has become a chessboard for international actors and has gained importance as a result of recently discovered natural gas resources
The Eastern Mediterranean has been an important intersection of trade paths for thousands of years. The sea, which bordered The Coasts of Turkey, Egypt, Cyprus, and the Levant, witnessed the rise of the first civilizations from the first look and witnessed the birth and fall of dozens of civilizations. From the built-in life, people...
EUREN Report 2
Report 2
EUREN members believe that the EU and Russia will not be able to overcome their fundamental disagreements in the coming decade. But the two sides can come to a pragmatic partnership that safeguards peace and stability in Europe. This is the main finding of the EUREN scenario-building process, conducted between February and September 2020. Four scenarios were developed:
1. A "
Cold Partnership
" in a multipolar world, where Russia and the EU ultimately return...
An anatomy of two decades of strategic bilateral engagement
On October 3, 2000, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and President Vladimir Putin cemented India-Russia bilateral ties with the signing of the historical agreement, the “
Declaration on the India-Russia Strategic Partnership
.” Two decades since the signing of the agreement, bilateral relations are hailed to have chartered new levels of cooperation amid fast changing regional and global scenarios. While shouldering mutual interests...
Interview with Sonay Sarac, expert on space security issues at the German Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics
Sonay Sarac is a German expert on space security issues at the German Society for Aeronautics and Astronautics. He earned a Peace and Conflict Research M.A. at the Goethe-University in Frankfurt, Germany, with a focus on Space Security and Space Policy. In an interview with the RIAC, Mr Sarac spoke on the advantages of space weapons, measures to help prevent the weaponization of outer...
The USMC should become a streamlined tool for containing China's growing power
The United States Marine Corps (USMC) has launched a radical reform that fully and completely reflects the changes in U.S. geopolitical priorities. The Marines are busy getting rid of all their tanks, planning to stock up on medium-range missiles and preparing to become a defensive wall against the growing Chinese fleet.
The “Devil Dogs,” a name the Marines have worn proudly since World War I, have always spearheaded...
... Russian-speaking community of young diplomats and international experts in the CIS space, highlight Russian and international approaches to solving regional global security and development issues, and organize a constructive discussion around key issues of international security
On September 26 – October 4, 2020, the 20th anniversary PIR Center International School on Global Security is being held in Zvenigorod. The objectives of the program are to form a Russian-speaking community of young diplomats ...
... Washington. Similarly, NATO’s call at the 2010 Lisbon Summit for a true strategic partnership with Russia can hardly be viewed as a unilateral concession. In both instances, the interests of both parties were taken into account, as were the interests of international security in general.
Oleg Shakirov:
The Future of U.S.–Russia Relations
Russia and the United States remain the world’s leading nuclear powers, boasting the largest strategic weapons capabilities. Moscow and Washington have been engaged ...
While strengthening international cooperation is crucial, Russia needs to complement law enforcement with a softer approach for the demand side of the drug trade at home
The Afghan drug trade supplying the Russian market has fuelled conflict, corruption, and instability in the region, provided financial support to terrorist organisations and led to a devastating addiction and HIV epidemic in Russia. How can this fight be won? While strengthening cooperation with its Central Asian neighbours will...