On July 15, 2020, the International Crisis Group (ICG) held an expert discussion on security and development issues in the Horn of Africa in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, economic recession, and exacerbation of regional conflicts
On July 15, 2020, the International Crisis Group (ICG) held an expert discussion on security and development issues in the Horn of Africa in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, economic recession, and exacerbation of regional conflicts. The discussion focused...
Washington Hopes to Ensure its Global Military Dominance and National Security Against Virtually All Threats
For Russia, the military developments and strategies of the United States recreate those challenges and threats that the USSR associated with President Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Adopted in 1984, the SDI programme involved deploying several echelons of space strike weapons that would intercept and destroy ballistic missiles and their re-entry vehicles in all flight...
What the Big Game in the Arctic could look like
The activity of the United States Navy and the U.S.’s NATO allies in the Arctic is becoming a standing factor. The visit to the Barents Sea by a group of destroyers, regular under-ice exercises by nuclear submarines, the air patrol over Iceland, the formation of a new fleet with an Arctic zone of responsibility and Donald Trump’s initiative to build new heavy icebreakers for the U.S. Navy: these are all reasons for re-evaluating the prospects for...
The post-Soviet Russian operations, especially the Russian campaign in Syria are the return to normalcy and follow old and well established principles
The concept of hybrid warfare is currently used to describe a wide set of practices such as the use of information warfare, political, intelligence operations, cyber warfare, diplomatic action in combination with limited conventional military operations. Many of these activities have been considered as rather routine intelligence and diplomatic activities...
On June 26, 2020, YGLN (Younger Generation Leaders Network on Euro-Atlantic Security) held an online meeting of the security working group.
On June 26, 2020, YGLN (Younger Generation Leaders Network on Euro-Atlantic Security) held an online meeting of the security working group.
The discussion focused on Euro-Atlantic security issues under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the consequences of the pandemic for various EU countries, Russia, the U.S., and Turkey.
The online meeting...
On July 1, 2020, International Crisis Group (ICG) held an expert discussion on security issues in the Sahel region of Africa, as it has been five years since the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation was signed in Bamako by Malian parties and the leaders of the combatants.
On July 1, 2020, International Crisis Group (ICG) held an expert discussion on security issues in the Sahel region of Africa, as it has been five years since the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation was signed in Bamako by Malian...
Based on the convergence of interests, relations between Pakistan and Russia will be further strengthened
Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan sent a message of greeting on the occasion of the Russian Victory Day celebration, "Pakistan extends warm felicitations to the Government and people of the Russian Federation on Russia Day. Russia is Pakistan's important partner. We continue to work for forging a long-term and multidimensional partnership."
Vladimir Morozov, Andrew Korybko: ...
The COVID-19 pandemic did not give Russia and the EU an impulse to start rapprochement, but the goal of finding common grounds remains on the agenda
The COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated the difficulties that have existed in the relationship between the US and the EU/European NATO members since the beginning of the Donald Trump's presidency. The Europeans disagree with the US on a number of issues.
George Tzogopoulos:
Macron’s Security Ambitions and Russia
Due to the difficult economic situation...
Business as usual is most likely to prevail, unless the pandemic leads to significant social and political change in the region
For the last two decades at least, preventing and combatting pandemics has been on the list of "soft" transnational security threats. Little has been done, however, to raise awareness of the incumbent dangers or foster international or regional cooperation in this regard. Will the current coronavirus pandemic alter the agenda of European security and increasingly...
... conflicts today, major powers are unlikely to participate in any strategic interaction to fight international terrorism if they are also operating within the framework of a predominantly adversarial major power relationship.
Igor Ivanov:
Rethinking International Security for a Post-Pandemic World
Merging the needs of a new foreign policy track with the limitations derived from the old track will likely be one of the main obstacles to enhancing global and regional governance. Nevertheless, the new ...