Foreign viewpoints
After the reelection of Vladimir Putin for another term as president of the Russian Federation in March of this year, Russia is entering a new cycle of foreign and domestic policy. Russia's foreign policy at the moment is particularly fraught; the conflict in Syria, the continued uncertain status of the Donbass region of Ukraine, accusations of cyberwarfare and interference in US elections, and the Skripal poisoning incident in the UK have driven wedges between Russia and many...
It is impossible to return to the glorious past. The illusion that it is possible is depriving us of our future
The collapse of relations between Russia and the West after 2014 put an end to the idea of Greater Europe. The area of common security and cooperation from Lisbon to Vladivostok, or even wider – from Vancouver to Vladivostok – remains on paper in numerous documents that are gradually being buried in archives. The almost 40-year ‘post-Helsinki’ period, marked by relative...
A new government in Berlin is always a new opportunity — not only for Germany itself, but also for its international partners, Russia including
I understand the fundamentals. Russia lost Germany back in 2014 or even earlier. Seventy-three years after the end of WW2 and twenty-eight years after the reunification, the new generation of Germans owes Russian nothing. After the Ukrainian crisis, no ‘business as usual’ is possible in any foreseeable future; Moscow and Berlin continue to sharply disagree...
On April 16–17, 2018, Vienna hosted the fifth meeting of the OSCE Informal Working Group on Structured Dialogue (OSCE IWG Structured Dialogue), focusing on the reduction of security risks, de-escalation and comparative assessments of threats from international terrorism.
On April 16–17, 2018, Vienna hosted the fifth meeting of the OSCE Informal Working Group on Structured Dialogue (OSCE IWG Structured Dialogue), focusing on the reduction of security risks, de-escalation and comparative assessments...
On April 13–15, 2018, Berlin hosted a regular meeting of the International Crisis Group Board of Trustees. ICG is an independent non-profit multinational organization dealing with the issues of armed conflicts prevention.
On April 13–15, 2018, Berlin hosted a regular meeting of the International Crisis Group Board of Trustees. ICG is an independent non-profit multinational organization dealing with the issues of armed conflicts prevention.
The main areas of ICG's current work in Africa, South...
... third of the past century.
The Phantom Menace
Ksenia Muratshina:
Will There Be New Star Wars in Asia-Pacific? China's Military Space Program
Having reviewed the past six decades of space exploration, it is apparent that the impact of space equipment on international security is rather complex.
On the one hand, spacecraft enhance security by supporting the enforcement of international treaties and helping build trust and transparency. In providing additional information to different sides in conflicts,...
Relations between Russia and the UK have taken a hard knock from recent events.
The poisoning by nerve agent of Sergei and Yulia Skripal has dealt a sharp blow to Russia’s relations with the UK, and with Europe NATO and beyond. And things could get even worse. With further measures being announced as we write, there is increasing talk of a new Cold War.
Yet the situation today is very different, and in some respects even more dangerous. After the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, both sides knew, and...
Paul Saunders, associate publisher of the National Interest, interviewed retired Russian general Evgeny Buzhinsky. Buzhinsky retired from the Russian Armed Forces in 2009 as a lieutenant general.
Paul Saunders, associate publisher of the National Interest, interviewed retired Russian general Evgeny Buzhinsky. Buzhinsky retired from the Russian Armed Forces in 2009 as a lieutenant general.
Paul Saunders: You said recently that the confrontation between the United Kingdom and Russia over the poisoning...
RIAC and RUSI Report No. 38/2018
This report represents findings from the second round of the UK–Russia Track II bilateral security dialogue, held by Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (
) in collaboration with the Moscow-based Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC).
The dialogue, held between April and December 2017, brought together experts and former government officials from the two countries to discuss and debate ways in which the UK and Russia’s bilateral...
... hosted the third German-Russian expert meeting on security issues in and around Europe.
The meeting is held annually with the support of Konrad Adenauer Foundation and aims to compare the positions of Germany and Russia on a wide range of issues of international security, identify coinciding and diverging interests, and define possible areas for cooperation between the two countries.
The third expert meeting was held in the context of the formation of a new government coalition in Berlin, along ...