... Nonetheless, they are also a blow against Russia's interests and role in a region of great geopolitical importance for Moscow and other international and regional players who are worried by the state of consensus emerging Between Ankara and Moscow in Syria. Attempts are being made to repeat such consensus in Libya, with foreign media having reported headlines addressing the new "front" between Moscow and Ankara in this context.
Paris believes that the missile attack (in the first months ...
The Carter Center Report
The Carter Center Report
The U.S. has maintained sanctions against Syria since the 1970s. However, the majority of current
U.S. sanctions on Syria were imposed in two broad phases: a first phase in the 2000s that U.S.
policymakers stated was a response to Syrian support for terrorism, activities in Lebanon, and other
... which have no interest in the on-off interaction between Russia and Turkey turning into a strategic partnership.
The fragility of this interaction was laid bare for all to see five years ago following the downing of the Russian Su-24 on the Turkey–Syria border. For a moment, it looked like Russia and Turkey were about to go to war, and it was roughly six months before the sides were more or less on the same page again. A similar situation arose on the ground in Syria early this year, when Ankara ...
On September 24–25, 2020, the European University Institute in Florence, supported by Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, held an international webinar on the problems of State-building in Syria.
On September 24–25, 2020, the European University Institute in Florence, supported by Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, held an international webinar on the problems of State-building in Syria.
The two-day event focused on the following ...
Using political realism as a stepping stone, Russia and Syria need to balance common strategic goals and search for optimal ways to deal with possible tactical differences
The foreign policy strategy of any state includes a certain set of means and ways to ensure the practical achievement of its goals. ...
What the Syrian side needs from Russia is a “clear vision” for moving forward and reaffirmation of its priorities
One: Syrian Uncertainty
Two: The Caesar Act and “Reproducing” War
Three: Stress at Home
Four: Caesar Act Threatens ...
The Russian’s view on Syria is tactical, not strategic
Russia and Iran's partnership has often wavered between cooperation and rivalry due to the incompatibility of interests and goals in many regional and international issues. However, their joint efforts have so far succeeded ...
... understanding in the European Union that the geopolitical interests of European states should not always coincide with the interests of their unpredictable Euro-Atlantic ally
The difference in approaches of Russia and the EU to the reconstruction of Syria is influenced by the current state of Russian-American relations, although there is a growing understanding in the European Union that the geopolitical interests of European states should not always coincide with the interests of their unpredictable ...
Paradoxically, the new restrictive measures not only create difficulties, but also form prerequisites for mobilizing Syria’s internal resources and expanding Russia’s economic presence
On June 17, the United States began implementing the Caesar Act (the “Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act”) following a six-month grace period that was granted to the administration ...
The American policy towards Syria is becoming increasingly irreversible
The parliamentary elections held in late July 2020 in Syria coincided with the
of the US Department of Treasury’s restrictive measures against the government of Bashar al-Assad. The settlement ...