Search: Russia’s foreign policy (8 materials)

Russia’s Foreign Policy Balance Sheet and the Road Ahead

Major Accomplishments, Unfinished Business, and Future Challenges A third of a century ago, when the Soviet Union was in the painful process of disintegration, the long-term prospects of Russia’s foreign policy looked quite dim and blurred for at least two reasons. First, the irreversible nature of the recent Soviet collapse was still in question; a resurrection of the old state in a federate or confederate format did not seem entirely ...


Is Russia over its Resentment?

... home.” Ivan Timofeev, Samuel Charap: Can Washington and Moscow Agree to Limit Political Interference? We could argue for hours about whether or not Russia has the right to be offended, but listing our grievances has long become part and parcel of Russia’s foreign policy narrative. For years, this narrative has taken a central place in the speeches of Vladimir Putin and other Russian leaders at the Valdai meetings in Sochi. Until this year, when Russia’s grievances all but disappeared from ...


Orders Within Orders: A New Paradigm for Greater Eurasia

... These should encourage the Russian elite not to revisit the paradigm in its entirety, but rather to rethink its conceptual foundations so as to alter how it expresses itself in the real world, with the aim of strengthening the multi-vectored nature of Russia’s foreign policy. Moscow’s dilemma On the one hand, Moscow’s “Pivot to the East” was designed, in part, to buttress the foundations of Russia’s independent great power status and strengthen the Kremlin’s hand toward Europe by deepening ...


How to Survive in a Trench Warfare

Russia’s Foreign Policy in the Face of Confrontation with the West Surveys suggest that most Russian people view the country’s foreign policy as successful and, indeed, something to be proud of. This opinion is shared, in differing measures, by ...


Strategic Stabilization: A Window of Opportunities for Russia and the U.S.

Despite the belligerent nuclear statements by Russia and the U.S., the configuration of a possible future for the international arms control regimes can be seen beyond the veil of rhetoric. Despite the belligerent nuclear statements by Russia and the U.S. in the first quarter of 2018, the configuration of a possible future for the international arms control regimes can be seen beyond the veil of rhetoric. Therapeutic address We can assume that the demonstration of nuclear delivery systems that...


Putin’s Brave New World

... more active role internationally, re-emerging as a great power with global interests and reach. These are well-known facts with which both Putin’s supporters and his critics must contend when reflecting on the sources of his continuing popularity. Russia’s Foreign Policy: Looking Towards 2018. RIAC Report Like any other society, however, the Russians are more interested in the future than the past. What does the new political cycle hold for Russian society? How might it differ from previous ...


Russia Is Offering an Olive Branch, Not Flaunting Nuclear Weapons

Russia hopes that its partners will properly understand this signal President Vladimir Putin’s recent address to the Federal Assembly made quite a splash in the international community. Unsurprisingly, particular attention was paid to the sections of the address in which the president spoke in detail about boosting Russia’s defense capabilities, creating new weapons systems and readiness to ensure national security. The Kremlin’s critics in the West immediately accused the Russian leadership of...


What Does 2018 Have in Store for the Kremlin?

... Kremlin’s perspective implies that the international system has entered an arguably long period of instability, increased volatilities, multiple regional crises and, more generally, a steep decline of the global and regional governance. RIAC Report “ Russia’s Foreign Policy: Looking Towards 2018 ” In my view, it would be wrong to dismiss this vision of the world as completely hypocritical or entirely self-serving; it reflects very real concerns and fears of the Russian leadership. Let me try ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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