Major Accomplishments, Unfinished Business, and Future Challenges
A third of a century ago, when the Soviet Union was in the painful process of disintegration, the long-term prospects of Russia’s foreign policy looked quite dim and blurred for at least two reasons. First, the irreversible nature of the recent Soviet collapse was still in question; a resurrection of the old state in a federate or confederate format did not seem entirely ...
What Happened at the 16th Annual Meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club?
As a long-standing member of the Valdai Discussion Club, I have the privilege of being there in person when the President of the Russian Federation gives his annual “Sochi” speech. As a rule, these speeches mainly touch upon foreign policy and are directed, urbi et orbi, at both Russian and foreign experts, journalists and politicians. One advantage of being at the meeting ...
An attempt to infuse the Greater Eurasia vision with additional content will not only help Moscow to engage with other major powers more on its own terms but also ensure that Russia can maximize its impact
Andrey Kortunov:
One More Time on Greater Europe and Greater Eurasia
While Russia’s vision of a Greater Eurasia has proven useful in addressing certain foreign policy dilemmas, it is still in need of further conceptual ...
Russia’s Foreign Policy in the Face of Confrontation with the West
Surveys suggest that most Russian people view the country’s foreign policy as successful and, indeed, something to be proud of. This opinion is shared, in differing measures, by ...
Despite the belligerent nuclear statements by Russia and the U.S., the configuration of a possible future for the international arms control regimes can be seen beyond the veil of rhetoric.
Despite the belligerent nuclear statements by Russia and the U.S. in the first quarter of 2018, the configuration ...
After the vote, Moscow will try to thaw relations with Europe and explore new routes in Asia. Successe abroad is key to improving the situation at home.
If Vladimir Putin wins in the Russian elections in March, few will be surprised in Russia or abroad. The incumbent president remains by far the most popular and most trusted politician in the country. For the overwhelming majority of Russian voters, Putin’s name symbolises the many ...
Russia hopes that its partners will properly understand this signal
President Vladimir Putin’s recent address to the Federal Assembly made quite a splash in the international community. Unsurprisingly, particular attention was paid to the sections ...
Regardless of how each of us sees the world in 2018, it seems apparent that this world can no longer be explained within traditional IR paradigms
How does the world in 2018 look from the Kremlin? Judging from statements and interviews of Russian leaders, the world is not a very cool place these days. The international environment is more adversarial than cooperative; security challenges dominate over development opportunities; national survival rather than economic prosperity is the name ...