Search: Economy,Finance (13 materials)


Financial and Economic Development Dynamics of North African Countries: Opportunities for Russia in the New Political Landscape

Working Paper No. 89 / 2024 Working Paper No. 89 / 2024 North Africa has demonstrated steady regional economic growth and certain development potential, despite the various problems and challenges facing North African states. This Working Paper analyzes the financial and economic development dynamics of North African countries and examines in detail the prospects for developing cooperation between Russia and the countries of the region. Financial and Economic Development Dynamics of North African...


Russian-Chinese Dialogue: The 2024 Model

... focuses on the political and economic engagement between Moscow and Beijing in Central Asia and Eurasia as the key region of their shared interest. The report contains data monitoring the evolution of bilateral ties in business and trade, banking and finance, transport and logistics, and humanitarian sectors. Recommendations for relevant ministries and agencies can be found within the analysis of the report. Authors From Russia: Kirill Babaev, Dr. of Philological Sciences, Vladimir Danilov, Ph.D....


Barriers to de-Dollarization Within BRICS

... fulfilment capabilities and dis-intermediation of third party legal and settlement entities, Smart Contracts are starting to be gain traction in western consortiums for trade finance, currency trading, and commodity trading in the mainstream dollarized economy. Trade Finance systems based on Smart Contract are currently enabling on average a 35% reduction in costs and the elimination of the 1–2 weeks of processing time for settlements, in addition to removing room for manual errors. The author has proposed a solution ...


Russia’s Economic Outlook: Risks Prevail Over Drivers

... anti-crisis fiscal stimuli of around 4% of GDP. In September the government approved the plan for the recovery of Russia’s economy, which envisages the allocation of Rb 5 trn in 2020-2021 for anti-crisis measures. The plan targets the recovery in employment ... ... projects, which were to serve as the main platform for infrastructure and industrial development in which private sector was to co-finance projects with the funding from the federal and regional budgets. On the consumer side, the detrimental effects on consumer ...


“Sanctions for Sanctions Violation”: U.S. Department of Treasury Enforcement Actions Against the Financial Sector

.... has imposed sanctions. Key Concepts and Scholarship Overview Economic sanctions consist of a set of restrictions in trade, finance, licensing, and other areas; these restrictions are used by the initiator state or by a group of such states against certain ... ... previously studied as well (see, for instance, [Shakirov 2011]). Russian scholars studied relations between sanctions and the global economy [Simonov 2015] and investigated sanctions as a foreign policy instrument [Baluyev 2014], the effect of sanctions on the ...


Financial Bubbles in the Coronavirus Era

... element of the “new abnormality” that has characterized both the development of the global economy as a whole and the U.S. economy, in particular, is the debt model of economic growth. Investment and business activity has stagnated as interest rates ... ... from $22.7 to $26.7 trillion. This is the largest increase in U.S. national debt ever. A considerable amount of this debt is financed through the extraordinary growth of the U.S. stock market, which currently accounts for over half of the combined capitalization ...


Coronavirus as a Symptom of Systemic Stagnation

... various non-banking financial institutions. Wide banks would not have the right to accept demand or short-term deposits and would finance their activities exclusively through the issuance of shares and debt instruments. The creators of the sovereign money ... ... able to regulate activity not by changing interest rates, but by directly controlling the rate at which new money enters the economy. The idea of sovereign money was developed throughout the 20 th century in the works of such famous English and American ...


FRI Round Table on Sanctions against Russia: Risk Structure and Countermeasures

... International Affairs Council (RIAC) was the event partner. The round table was also attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MGIMO Institute for International Studies, ... ... of Programs, made a presentation of the report on sanctions against Russia: approaches to analysis and risk structure for the economy, in which he touched upon the problems of risk assessment and the impact of sanctions on Russia's economy. Then Yury Kuznetsov,...


Is Too Fast Too Furious Turning into Too Risky Too Dubious?

... (February 2009), Indonesia (March 2009) and Singapore (July 2010). It then began to carry out a more geographically balanced foreign economy policy with regard to internationalizing the yuan, signing agreements with Brazil (March 2013), the United Kingdom (June ... ... Kazushige Kobayashi, Manuel A.J. Teehankee: The AIIB’s Launch Sets the Stage for Supply- Side Competition in Development Finance Despite the unprecedented devaluation, it is still too early to talk about a return to the policy of having an undervalued ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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