Search: GCC,Middle East (17 materials)


Middle East in the New Trump Era: Russia’s Foreign Policy Dilemmas

... Foreign Policy It seems that in Moscow they understand very well the limitations of opportunities that Russia has in dealing with GCC states and also the limitations of the impact of the Israeli-Palestinian escalation on strategic priorities of these states.... ... ready to invest more of his political capital into the Abraham Accords than his predecessor in the White House did. Of course, a Middle East NATO uniting major Gulf Arab states and Israel in their common deterrence of Iran is the last thing that Moscow would ...


China in the Gulf: Tried Its Best, You Know the Rest

Beijing is rather reluctant to get deeply involved in intra-regional politics in the Middle East, as this could provoke new tensions with the U.S. The current escalation in the Middle East has been described by many as a test of influence for China. For example, the media repeatedly suggested that the United States asked China to put ...


U.S. Policy Case for Middle East under New Conditions

... months, and the weeds have grown in the meantime. And so the president was sent on a “diplomatic foray into the region to plant U.S. flags and start to repair the damage done to the flowers and greenery.” The conclusion is that the pivot to the Middle East will not last long, and one should not expect quick pay-offs. The itinerary from Tel Aviv to Jeddah, where, alongside with the bilateral U.S.-Saudi negotiations, the U.S. president met with a number of Arab leaders in the GCC+3 format (Egypt, Iraq, Jordan) is quite telling. This list indicates the states the Biden administration intends to bet on as well as the range of oft-interrelated problems, the approaches to which the administration considers necessary to clarify ...


Influencing Iran: Moscow's Trump Card to Secure a Role in Gulf Security

The GCC countries expect Moscow to influence Iran, limiting the dangers it poses “The US’ withdrawal from the Middle East has strengthened GCC countries’ desire to create intraregional coalitions and to look for an external security provider. Russia might fit the bill, though the conflict in Ukraine throws this into question. The GCC countries expect Moscow to influence Iran, limiting ...


Internationalization of Higher Education in the GCC Countries

... with other exporters of educational services in the world market. The development paths of higher education in the Arab Gulf countries were analyzed in a scientific article «Internationalization and the Changing Paradigm of Higher Education in the GCC Countries», as well as measures were taken to improve the quality of education and its regional integration. The author of the scientific work is Julie Vardhan, Assistant Professor at the School of Business, Manipal University. The work is based ...


America’s Role in the Saudi-Iran Fault Line

... the evangelical dispensationalist community. Again, very close to Israel, and very enamoured with a view of the future of the Middle East that prepares for rapture and the second coming - and I will not go into this in detail. 3. There is the role that ... ... into that effort than others. By the way, K Street, the lobbying firms in Washington, are the happiest the longer this internal GCC dispute carries on, with each side generously compensating a phalanx of American firms to effectively cancel each other out ...


A Crisis Management Mechanism in the Middle East Is Needed More Than Ever

... including collective security in the Middle East. Shehab Al Makahleh, Maria Al Makahleh: 2020 Forecast: Revealing the Future of the Middle East A role for non-regional players While regional players should be in the lead, there is room for some external players ... ... could be instrumental to work on the basis of the Iranian HOPE project on the one hand and a counterproposal coming from the GCC on the other hand. If both Iran and Saudi Arabia were to join the endeavour launched by this potential EU3+3, a new animal ...


Undestanding the Gulf States: The European Perspective

... understanding different militia groups, from ISIS to Hezbollah. We have done work together with key leaders in Europe and the Middle East to try to establish contact points between them. This week we are moving to a different area a little bit — women's ... ... is diversity in security policy in Europe and the Gulf. The EU has a specific relationship with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), they have been working on a free trade agreement for some 18 years and it is still not complete. But relations to the EU ...


Russia and Turkey: Approaches to Regional Security in the Middle East

... Qatar, which also hosts the Al Udeid Air Base- the largest U.S. military installation in the region [ 46 ]. The GCC-Qatar dispute remains unresolved, but the excitement surrounding it has largely abated. Nevertheless, this incident is an indicator of the GCC being another regional association that has failed as a regional security format. The fact that all the current integration formats in the Middle East and North Africa are either poorly equipped, or unable to perform effectively, directly affects the ability of regional actors to ensure not just their own national security, but also the security of the region as a whole. A format similar ...


Prospects for Russia–China Cooperation in the Middle East . 6 . China’s Position on Syria // Carnegie. 10.02.2012. URL: (In Arabic). 7 . The G.C.C. Countries and China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Curbing Their Enthusiasm? // Middle East Institute. 17.10.2017. URL: . 8 . Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation // Official Website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. 01.12.16. URL: ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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