... process promoted by the BRICS Group, which, as many data show, has surpassed the G7 in terms of purchasing power parity, and its position in the world economy is still rising, thus giving it an increasing ability to shape and influence the process of globalization.
International Order
Ivan Timofeev:
Ending Western Domination Is Key to the Emerging World Order. Here’s What Needs to Be Done to Achieve It
International order building is the heart of the core concepts of Russian-Chinese international cooperation,...
... replacing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) with the World Trade Organization (WTO). In essence, Mearsheimer stresses, almost any kind of government interference in the workings of the world economy was considered harmful to the liberal international order.
Kazushige Kobayashi:
Keep Calm and Carry On? A Japanese Perspective on A Post-Liberal World
Mearsheimer believes that hyper-globalization has caused a number of major economic problems that have worked to undermine the legitimacy of the liberal world order in the states that form the core of that system. An increasing number of people are left without work. The traditional ...