Search: NATO,Europe (28 materials)


Are International Institutions Viable in the Future World Order?

... able to replicate in their interstate relations the practices established to coordinate the efforts of the United States and Europe in suppressing the rest of the world. Among the most successful international organizations of the modern world, the G7, NATO, and the European Union stand out. However, these organizations are highly specific in their objectives and internal structure, aiming to safeguard the special rights of member countries in their relations with other nations. This is why various smaller former ...


25 Years of the New Cold War

This month, the whole world remembers the unprovoked attack which the United States and Western European countries launched against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia NATO’s aggression against Yugoslavia for international politics was that it was a collective attack, perpetrated by a large group of Western countries, against a sovereign state, and marked the watershed between a time when a peaceful world order could ...


The Europe of Political Realism and the Future of NATO—Back to Basics?

... “reality” of documents has been turning from actual to historical over the course of several years. Will the trend repeat itself in 2022? i . Ottawa’s figures were 1.4% of GDP, and the government, which had little interest in the development of the European part of NATO, was in no hurry to increase them. ii . Ottawa’s It is important to take into account, however, that the adoption of the concept has no direct connection with the crisis around Ukraine. The development of the document began in 2020 and its completion ...


The Future of Treaty on Open Skies Discussed at Online International Expert Dialog on Russia-NATO Relations

On February 18, 2021, another online international expert dialog on Russia-NATO relations took place, bringing together experts, former diplomats and military, public leaders from Russia, the USA, and European NATO member-states On February 18, 2021, another online international expert dialog on Russia-NATO relations took place, bringing together experts, former diplomats and military, public leaders from Russia, the USA, and European NATO member-states. ...


To Sequestrate, or Not to Sequestrate. The Impact of Covid-19 on Military Budgets

... costs only bring losses in a crisis situation. The ongoing pandemic has already led to such a reduction by forcing to cancel scheduled series of NATO exercises, and given economic prospects, no one is expecting large-scale exercises the following year. NATO leaders will also have to solve the complicated issue of supporting their arms and military equipment manufacturers, that is technology leaders of the European industry, and this pie will need to be cut for several eaters at once. The simplest case is Great Britain, which stopped being a EU member this year, as the support of BAE Systems is its, and partly the U.S.’s, national task; however, within ...


Russia’s Changing Identity: In Search of a Role in the 21st Century

... states. 2 The process of Russo-Ukrainian separation has been particularly painful. Essentially, Russia finds it intolerable that a Ukrainian state whose sovereignty it immediately recognized in 1991 could have a government seeking integration into NATO and the European Union, limit the use of the Russian language, and actively promote the “nationalization” of the Russian Orthodox Church in Ukraine. The arrival of just such a regime in 2014 as the result of revolution in Ukraine led to Russia seizing the ...


Russia's Position on the Baltic States: Why We Need Each Other

... depiction of large Russian-speaking communities as a fifth column leading to tensions that exist to this day. After a while, problems have accumulated, and Russia's unchanging attitude pushed the three Baltic republics towards the Western institutions: NATO and the European Union. In the midst of these problems, Russia has yet to change its attitude towards the Baltic states. Moscow preferred to talk to the 'old Europe' over the heads of Russia's closest Western neighbors. Russia still expects that Brussels, Berlin ...


New European Mythology for Ukraine

... European integration and the introduction of European institutions Connotation Ukraine’s development and prosperity in the future MYTH Ukraine’s choice of Europe and the West will lead the country to success and prosperity Publicly, Ukraine’s European path towards the EU and NATO easily turns into a semiotic myth because it embraces the notional context of a snake oil capable of handling a number of Ukraine’s current problems, including those concerning the economy, the social sphere, territorial integrity, and the government’s ...


Standing for Everything Evil against Everything Good: Russia’s Hostile Measures in Europe

... regime; developing and maintaining great-power status; exerting influence within the near abroad in order to pull these countries into its sphere of influence; increasing cooperation and trade with Western Europe; undermining enlargement of the European Union and NATO into the post-Soviet space. It is assumed that Moscow will use “measures short of war” as a tactic. This term was introduced by George Kennan in the late 1940s to denote the hostile actions of the USSR and spanning a broad range of political,...


William Hill’s “No Place for Russia: European Security Institutions Since 1989” Discussed at RIAC

... structures after the Cold War in order to explain current tensions and show how attempts to integrate Russia into a single Euro-Atlantic security system only led to NATO and EU domination and rivalry with Russia. The discussion was attended by experts on European security issues, on relations between Russia and the EU, Russia and NATO, Russia and the U.S. from IMEMO RAS, MGIMO, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and other. The roundtable discussion was moderated by Natalia Vyakhireva, RIAC Program Manager. RIAC experts and Timur Makhmutov, RIAC Deputy Director of Programs, took ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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