Search: Nuclear security (53 materials)


Navigating the Fog

The developments in Russia and the world, especially with the nuclear threat growing evermore present Tariq Marzbaan and Nora Hoppe hold another interview with Professor Sergei Karaganov, discussing the developments in Russia and the world, especially with the nuclear threat growing evermore present. As we transition from a dying world to a new one in its turbulent birth pangs – we find ourselves in a foggy interregnum that urgently needs more clarity for us to move on. We turn once again to...


Here’s why Putin decided to send a nuclear message to Washington

The decision was long overdue and is a response to reckless agression from Washington Updating Russia’s nuclear doctrine is certainly not a spontaneous step. It is long overdue and is linked to the fact that the current level of atomic deterrence has proven inadequate. Especially given that it failed to prevent the West from waging a hybrid war against our country. Until recently, the desire to inflict a strategic defeat on us was considered insane and impossible, given that Russia is a nuclear...


Communication from the Pugwash Council

On 21-22 October the Pugwash Council met in hybrid format at the premises of the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy. Noting the seriousness of conflicts that have erupted in different parts of the world, we express our deep concern at the further spread of war and violence against civilians. We appeal for the international community to vigorously work for a cessation of hostilities and for the strict observance of international law, in particular of international humanitarian...


Why Russia cannot ‘sober up the West’ by using a nuclear bomb

The nuclear weapons taboo is undoubtedly weakening, but Moscow shouldn’t be the first to break it Professor Sergey Karaganov’s “Tough-but-necessary decision” article – which claims that by using its nuclear weapons, Russia could save humanity from a global catastrophe – has provoked plenty of reaction both at home and abroad. This is partly due to the author’s status – he has been an adviser to both President Boris Yeltsin and President Vladimir Putin – and also because of the belief that his opinion...


The US and its allies are playing 'Russian Roulette'. You'd almost think they want a nuclear war

If the Ukraine conflict continues on its current trajectory, it will end in a total disaster for humanity Dmitry Trenin is a research professor at the Higher School of Economics and a lead research fellow at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations. He is also a member of the Russian International Affairs Council. Professor Sergey Karaganov’s “Tough-but-necessary decision” article – which claims that by using its nuclear weapons, Russia could save humanity from a global catastrophe...


Multilateral Nuclear Confidence-Building Measures Discussed within High-Level International Expert Group

On March 23, 2023, Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS), in partnership with The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University, held a regular online international high-level expert round table, dedicated to the trends in the development of world politics in the context of acute recent crises On March 23, 2023, Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS), in partnership with The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University...


Statement by the Euro-Atlantic Security Leadership Group (EASLG): Advancing Global Nuclear “Fail-Safe”

The need for urgent action is clear: Each nation with nuclear arms has a responsibility to reduce the risk of nuclear blunder, and nations must work together to eliminate nuclear risks and threats and avoid any military clash of nuclear powers Since 1945, a combination of prudent leadership, military professionalism, good luck, and divine providence has enabled humanity to avoid using nuclear weapons. But the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine elevates such risks dramatically, the latest reminder...


Russia undertaking 'huge experiment' with mobilization

Russia has not done anything like mobilization in this century, and that using a nuclear weapon in Ukraine makes little sense for Vladimir Putin Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council Andrey Kortunov says Russia has not done anything like mobilization in this century, and that using a nuclear weapon in Ukraine "makes little sense" for Vladimir Putin. Watch his interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour.


Shanghai Institute for International Studies and the Belfer Center Ninth International Expert Forum

On September 9, 2022, Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS), in partnership with The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University, held the ninth online international high-level expert round table, dedicated to the trends in the development of world politics in the context of acute recent crises On September 9, 2022, Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS), in partnership with The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard...


Statement by the Euro-Atlantic Security Leadership Group (EASLG) Co-Conveners: Ukraine and Reducing Nuclear Risks

Dialogue, diplomacy and negotiations are the only acceptable route to resolving the conflict in a way that can stand the test of time Reducing and eliminating nuclear risks that could lead to catastrophic consequences is a common interest for all nations and an enduring responsibility of the nuclear weapon states. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine elevates such risks dramatically. The firefight at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine was the latest reminder of how nuclear catastrophe can...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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