... Security Council.
However, multilateral diplomacy, as well as the unilateral policy of containment by the United States and its allies, failed to prevent the DPRK from acquiring nuclear weapons.
The third factor is the DPRK and Russia’s resistance to sanctions. North Korea has been subject to total trade and financial restrictions by the United States since the 1950s. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, American sanctions were eased, although a significant portion of them were not lifted. Washington played up ...
... settlements mechanisms not controlled by the West, jointly oppose illegitimate unilateral restrictions.”
However, the treaty does not explicitly state that UNSC sanctions can be ignored, and the wording “unilateral coercive measures” formally refers to sanctions imposed against Russia or North Korea by individual countries such as the United States. So far, it appears that Moscow’s position formally remains unchanged. It describes the sanctions regime as unfair, will advocate its abolition and will stand against the imposition of new ...
... with Russian medical staff and modern equipment, designed not only for Russians or other foreigners, but also for the local population.
The next level of engagement implies that Moscow and Pyongyang may enter into covert cooperation that violates the sanctions regime but does not directly disregard the UN resolution. Here, it is primarily a matter of using North Korean labor, which has earned a good reputation for its combination of value for money, the lack of criminal inclinations, and relative invisibility not only in Russia’s Far East. Some Russian officials have already announced their desire to ...
... legal entities, of which 150 are related to Ukraine. Most of the blocked companies are from the defence or technology sectors and engage in manufacturing dual- use products. The SDN list includes a smaller number of companies blocked for violating US sanctions or interacting with Cuba, Syria, North Korea or Venezuela, including even subsidiaries of major Russian companies (for example, two Rosneft subsidiaries). But neither Rosneft, nor other Russian blue chips have been blocked yet.
The anti-Russia “sanctions from hell” have long been ...
Policy Brief #27 / 2020
Policy Brief #27 / 2020
Executive Summary
— The report asesses the risks of sanctions against Russia over the year.
— By 2020, the use of sanctions against Russia had gained much more stability compared to previous years. The damage caused by the new restrictive measures can be considered limited. The key issue is whether the ...
... apply for licences for humanitarian aid. However, these applications take time to consider. What is more, the possibility of obtaining such a licence is not itself a solution to the problem. This much was clear before the pandemic began with the case of North Korea. Even though the UN Sanctions Committee
applications for humanitarian exemptions, a host of problems arose—bank refusals, supplier delays, delays at customs, etc.
Christian Wollny:
Coronavirus Reveals Cracks in European Unity
Individual exemptions will have ...
... individuals were subjected to sanctions over North Korea. Importantly, the US did not limit its North Korean sanctions only to Russia and China, so it can hardly be accused of a national bias.
As for the fines imposed on companies for violating US sanctions, North Korea plays an even smaller role in this respect. In the past ten years, not a single Russian or Chinese company has been subjected to fines for violating sanctions against North Korea — however, fines were imposed on two American companies. In ...
... involvement in such operations (regardless of the investigations by California detectives and the decisions of local US courts) [
], we can talk about a new and increasingly important method of earning for the DPRK, which allows to avoid financial sanctions and earn income through channels that are more difficult to track and that are less amenable to state control and regulation.
Alexander Mamaev:
North Korea's Cyber
The activities of foreign representatives of the DPRK banks have not been stopped. They still play an active role in brokerage networks for organizing cargo ship-to-ship transfers and for other operations using intermediaries from ...
... the policy of sanctions. The US retains a powerful tool for inflicting economic damage on the target country with fewer opportunities to use it for achieving diplomatic goals.
Second, the breakdown of the JCPOA undermines non-proliferation efforts. North Korea is a case in point proving that while failing to remove sanctions, possessing nuclear weapons provides some leverage in negotiations. At the same time, giving up nuclear weapons leads to the re-imposition of sanctions under new pretexts.
Third, every new round of sanctions forces target countries to adapt ...
... However, current events reveal contradictions between key players. Chinese and Russian companies have already been subjected to US sanctions for their ties with North Korea. The Americans want to force China and Russia to show great energy in pressure on North Korea and consider sanctions against them as one of the key measures. The further escalation from Pyongyang risks causing unintended consequences - escalation of Washington's sanctions policy against Beijing and Moscow. This will complicate the interaction on the Korean ...