... important facts about it, and persecuting those who wanted to tell what Americans considered the truth.
Anatasia Tolstukhina:
US Technology Policy amid Rivalry with China
In the 2020 elections, Trump used China as a scapegoat and a culprit in developing ... ... election campaign. He lost the election, and the winner, Joe Biden, somewhat reduced the intensity of passion. New blocking sanctions were introduced in an extremely limited manner, the list of “military companies” was not actively replenished, and ...
... appoint US specialists to monitor compliance with sanctions and change its top management.
In 2019, the United States considered Huawei a threat to its national security. The Chinese company was accused of industrial espionage, violation of Western sanctions against Iran and technology theft. Washington banned the sale of US-made components, including semiconductors, to the Chinese telecommunications giant in a bid to deprive it of access to advanced technology.
Later, in 2020, using America’s central position in ...
... it was forbidden to supply certain goods in the field of electronics, including manufactured outside the USA using American technology. In addition, a number of Chinese companies have been placed on the Military End User List (MEU-List). These companies ... ... Department of Commerce’s
Commerce Control List
Such restrictions have a negative background: separate legal mechanisms for sanctions against Chinese persons in connection with the situation in Hong Kong, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR), ...
... It is also now prohibited to introduce new product lines or expand existing production with mature technologies by more than 10%. Companies that fail to meet these terms will have to repay the subsidies provided to them within 10 years.
Living under sanctions
U.S. technology restrictions would have had a very limited impact upon China unless key semiconductor technology suppliers from other countries had joined them. Therefore, considerable efforts of U.S. diplomacy were aimed at convincing its partners, mainly ...