Search: West,BRICS (16 materials)


The Future Belongs to Inclusive Groups Like BRICS

... emergence of BRICS reflects the ongoing changes in the modern international system. Over time, our shared world is getting more and more diverse. We have to work with each other, even when we cannot agree on every single point of the global agenda. BRICS, along with SCO, ASEAN and other non-Western multilateral bodies, is an attempt to define rules of engagement within this increasingly diverse and complex international environment. The future belongs to new flexible, inclusive mechanisms rather than to old, rigid hierarchical blocks. As ...


The Kazan BRICS Declaration — a New World Order Manifesto

..., through active participation and leadership to promote global development. Brics clearly represents the interests of the global South and developing countries, but is clearly not an anti-Western alliance and it does not seek to erode or to destroy Western institutions—the BRICS leaders were very careful in the exact working of the Kazan Declaration. BRICS does not even intend to ‘balance’ the West in one way or another. It will never become a match to G7, given the group’s diversity and the absence of a hegemonic ...


A Multipolar World: Where BRICS Stands

... players. They are also devising and implementing policies like CHIPS and the Science Act to curtail opportunities for Southern countries and companies. These practices are against the spirit of globalisation, free markets, openness, and the WTO, but Western states insist on continuing them. Andrey Kortunov: BRICS Can Transform from an International Club into a Global Lab In response to rising pro-multipolar sentiments, the US and its allies have accelerated their efforts to penalise countries that do not follow their agenda. For example, Pakistan has recently ...


BRICS Can Transform from an International Club into a Global Lab

... European Union should stop being a source of new norms, patterns and specific elements of the future world order. However, the West and the West-dominated multilateral institutions should not remain the only source of new norms for the entire world. BRICS, together with SCO, BRI, ASEAN and other non-Western groupings and initiatives, should take the stage and become part of the cast rather than remaining in the gallery, merely observing the transformation of the international system unfolding before their eyes. Transforming BRICS from a global club ...


BRICS Before the Kazan Summit: The Dialectic of Creation and Destruction Against the Backdrop of a New World Order

... the effect of the group's activities was very insignificant. At the same time, now that the G20 has almost completely lost its meaning, it is still used by large developing countries as a way to increase their international presence. In the case of BRICS, for the first time, Western countries did not initiate or lead the process. In fact, the achievement is absolutely fantastic, given that the entire international architecture, starting with the UN, is today a product of the foreign policy decisions of the US and Western ...


Europe will eventually have to choose between the US and BRICS

... distinct mode of strategic thinking and serving a set of well-defined national interests. Indeed, the BRICS/SCO diplomatic culture features sovereign equality, dialogue, respect for national interests and civilizational values, and consensus. Neither BRICS nor the SCO is overtly anti-American or anti-Western: their main focus is internal rather than external, and they have their work cut out for them. Of course, Russia, China, India, Iran and others insist on doing business without outside interference, not to speak of foreign diktat. They don’t ...


The World in 2035: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

... the Left, between Conservators and Liberals become less stable. As a result of these trends, nation-states (especially in the West) are more and more often governed by very fragile political coalitions that are extremely vulnerable to even minor fluctuations ... ... of their members will not only survive, but may become more active protagonists, playing the most prominent role, such as the BRICS, the SCO, the EU, NATO, the ASEAN, the ALU, and so on. The institutional inertia accumulated by long-standing organizations ...


BRICS in Global Financial System: The Need to Level the Playing Field

... weak market demand for the completed projects. The slowdown of China’s activity in the financing of strategic infrastructure in developing markets potentially means that they remain dependent on credit from the U.S. and other developed nations of the West, which potentially lowers the status of China and other BRICS member states as international lenders. Payment Systems The BRICS-11 accounted for 22.0% of global exports of goods and services in 2022. However, most settlements in international trade are made in the G7 currencies through the SWIFT interbank ...


Is Russia Losing India?

... extraordinary gentlemen”, but instead will become effective tools in the search for a common denominator in even the most sensitive security and development issues. Furthermore, Moscow should abstain from any temptations to try building any "anti-Western clubs" out of such multilateral fora—it would not be possible to sell such an approach to India anyway. Instead, BRICS and SCO should be used to search for compromises, including between China and India. RIC—a separate trilateral coordination mechanism with the participation of Russia, India and China—could also develop in this direction. India—The global ...


India Is Irreplaceable Balancing Force in Global Systemic Transition

... terms here are peaceful and gradual since India would prefer for there to not be any sudden disruptions on either front: neither a U.S.-provoked hot war with China nor some unexpected breakthrough by Beijing which leads to the rapid collapse of the Western-centric system that in turn results in the People’s Republic becoming the sole superpower. It’s with this grand strategy in mind that India closely cooperates with the Quad, BRICS, and the SCO so as to play a leading role within each to that end, all with the intent of responsibly guiding the global systemic transition towards multipolarity that it expects will reward it with becoming the third pole of influence within this ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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