Search: West,Globalization (6 materials)

The U.S. Election and the Post-Westphalian World

... and the technocratic dominance of corporations. The challenges of our time have brought to the fore the question of the post-Westphalian world order in global politics—whether it will be globalist or marked by a resurgence of nation-states and regional ... ... development distinguishes the classical theorists of local civilizations from “globalists” and “cosmopolitans,” who view globalization as cultural-historical unification with the ultimate goal of creating a universal global civilization. Unlike globalists,...


Three Core Concepts of Sino-Russian International Cooperation

... greater the room for China's economic development. Russia's situation differs from China's in that it defines globalization more often in political terms. Russia's rejection of economic globalization is on two levels. Politically, it is characterized as Western globalization, a reflection of Western globalism in the economic sphere, on the basis of which a Western-dominated world economic order has been formed, the main purpose of which is to serve the West and reflect its economic hegemony. Russia is determined ...


The Intellectual Vector: Where Russian Interventionism Is Imperative

... In this brief note, I wish to spotlight a few thematic areas in which a Russian intellectual intervention is imperative and feasible. These are the Cold war and the clash of contending world orders in the 21st century, the phenomenon and problems of globalization and the Greater Eurasia concept/project. The Battle of (Big) Ideas While a vast number of books on the end and the history of the Cold War have been published in the West, with widely diverse perspectives; of the Cold War seen teleologically, from the standpoint of how it ended, there isn’t a single major, recognized Russian work, even an anthology, in English—which for better or worse, is a quasi-universal language—on ...


What We've Learnt About Globalization

... driver of globalization, remains at the very lowest end in almost all of its dimensions. This applies to world trade activity, with the United States lagging behind China. Although the aggregate West as a whole currently surpasses the aggregate non-West in its involvement in globalization processes, the question of who will become the main driver of these processes in the future remains open. Interim Results Andrey Kortunov: Who Will Build the New World Order? What does all this mean for our perception of globalization? ...


A Few Words in Defence of Francis Fukuyama

... on global scale closer. Ivan Timofeev: Munich Security Report 2019: Who Is to Blame and What to Do? Let us not forget that “The End of History” was written when the global socialist system was collapsing before our eyes, when the global “East-West” split seemed to be disappearing into oblivion forever, when the “third wave of democratization” had peaked, when those tectonic social and economic shifts that would later be called “globalization” were being felt everywhere. Bards of the liberal triumph abounded in those times of trouble, but it was Francis Fukuyama who succeeded in giving this triumph a truly epic scale. His eschatological utopia directly challenged the Christian ...


Beyond the Right Side of History

... produced a common framework, which included such a notion as “the right side of history.” This term has been repeatedly used by Western politicians to assess various international processes and events. But this figure of speech is anti-historical because ... ... spoke about the inevitability of world socialist revolution, while Fukuyama saw a different goal, but universal all the same. Globalization played a bad joke on everyone. It made world politics all-embracing by increasing the number of relevant actors....


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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