Search: Sanctions,Middle East (12 materials)


Middle East in the New Trump Era: Russia’s Foreign Policy Dilemmas

... US positions on Iran are going to get even tougher, which means that JCPOA will not be resurrected from its grave and the US sanctions against Tehran will not be lifted. Third, Trump is clearly committed to continue his efforts to promote the Abraham ... ... US-made arms to affluent nations of the Gulf, to undermine the OPEC+ global oil prices regulative mechanism and to advance a Middle East version of the NATO Alliance to counter security challenges coming from the Islamic Republic of Iran and the radical ...


The Moscow–Tehran Axis: Alliance without Rigid Obligations

... trying to act as a universal mediator, maintaining relations with all the key forces in the Middle East. Against the backdrop of the events in Ukraine, the United States has set about trying to turn Russia into an international pariah. Moscow sees the Middle East as a possible route to circumventing the sanctions, even if partially, so it is only logical that Washington would seek to isolate Russia in the region. This is proving somewhat difficult, however, even with its impressive list of allied states and the lukewarm reaction of Middle Eastern countries ...


The Coronavirus and Conflicts in the Middle East

... Organisation had no information about Huthi-controlled areas of Yemen, including the number of COVID-19 cases. Overcrowded city centres, prisons and camps for refugees and displaced persons are seen as the source of the infection. Ivan Timofeev: The Price of Sanctions is Human Lives Syria is a special case in the general picture of Middle Eastern conflicts amid the coronavirus pandemic. The outcome of the internal confrontation will have far-reaching consequences. If compromise solutions are found, a settled Syrian conflict might serve as a precedent for the global community and ...


Sanctions Against Russia: A Look Into 2020

... United States. The Congress, the media and think tanks will likely raise the question of preemptive sanctions against Russia. However, discussing possible measures does not mean they will automatically be adopted. — Thus far, the situation in the Middle East is not fraught with a high risk of sanctions for Russia. However, the United States continues to impose sanctions on Iran, which increases the danger of secondary sanctions for international businesses, including Russian companies. — The United States may very well crank up sanctions ...


Russia’s Position on the US–Iran Confrontation. Watching from the Sidelines

... withdrawal from the “Nuclear Deal” as a starting point Andry Kortunov, Michel Duclos: A Crisis Management Mechanism in the Middle East Is Needed More Than Ever Washington’s desire to “update” the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), through ... ... “E3” (the UK, France, Germany) remained politically committed to the “Nuclear Deal”. Nevertheless, in obedience to US sanctions, E3 showed their inability to oppose the United States or lobby for a solution which would satisfy Brussels. With the ...


JCPOA: Forward Into the Past

... the concessions required. If the United States continues to stick to its 13 demands, offering nothing but the lifting of the sanctions in exchange, the prospects of a new treaty are doomed, and it is highly probable that, sooner or later, Iran will start ... ... the only solution to the problem is the use of military force against Tehran. Trump’s readiness to start a new war in the Middle East is doubtful, especially since abstaining from needless conflicts is a key element of the politics of the current U....


US–Iran Conflict Would Strengthen China’s Position in the Middle East

Any US action in Iran would profoundly benefit China’s interests in Iran and strengthen its position across the region China’s rise in the Middle East is not simply a case of debt-trap diplomacy or expanding Chinese influence, it requires an ideological shift to accommodate a new regional player and the process of institutional change that that brings. Any US action in Iran would profoundly ...


Helping Iran to Make the Right Choice

... diplomatic and economic pressure on the Islamic Republic. The White House walked out of the JCPOA, introduced new and tough sanctions against Tehran, and started energetically building a broad anti-Iran coalition in the region. As might be expected, ... ... inflammatory and belligerent rhetoric, are growing. The prospect of a large war between Iran and some of the US allies in the Middle East — or even of a direct clash between the US and Iran — has become more plausible than it ever has been before in ...


Russia vs the West: A War Scenario and a New Logic of Confrontation

... The sides had sharp differences on major issues. But they continued political dialogue that was generally rational and relatively predictable. Any hostile actions against one another had a specific and more or less verifiable pretext. The exchange of sanctions was based on understandable reasons. Various incidents were thoroughly and repeatedly verified and taken with much caution. We might dislike Ukraine-related EU sanctions but Brussels carefully avoided any escalation of sanctions for “promoting ...


Trio in Tehran

... can be regarded as Moscow's response to Washington's threats against Iran. The feeling that Iran and Russia are in the same sanctions boat appeared in 2014 after the accession of the Crimea. As the U.S. pressure increased, the consolidation of the sides ... ... cooperation; Iran will try to convince Russia of the non-constructiveness of the U.S. approach to solving the issues in the Middle East and the impossibility of a meaningful dialogue with them; In the short term, Russia and Iran will not be able to ...


Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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