... including conventional missile and nuclear options. Changing the nuclear doctrine towards expanding the conditions for the use of nuclear weapons has also been discussed for a long time.
The new stage has not changed the situation on the battlefield, but has ... ... the near future is the continuation of “creeping escalation”. We should expect further attacks on Russian territory using Western weapons. However, they will probably be pinpoint attacks, balancing on the edge of the conditions outlined in Russia’s ...
... ongoing Russia-Ukraine armed conflict millions of soldiers have been fighting for two years, using almost all heavy weapons except nuclear weapons such as airplanes, tanks, artillery, warships, missiles, etc., and the U.S. and the NATO countries are already ... ... security, industrial and supply chain fragmentation of the world is deepening. The most important force driving this process is the West's division of the world into "democratic" and "totalitarian" camps, and the associated policies. China ...
... reflection, considering the fundamental importance of the issue. After all, we are talking about nuclear weapons, which are associated not just with a breakdown but with a possible end of everything for everyone. It seems that the preemptive use of nuclear weapons will not solve the issues between Russia and the West. It will significantly aggravate Russia’s international position, not to mention the risks of escalation into a full-scale exchange of nuclear strikes using strategic offensive weapons.
The underlying assumption Sergei Karaganov makes in his article ...
... Nations Security Council (the P5) would be an especially powerful statement in the NPT context.
Step 2: Deepen U.S.-Russia and West-Russia crisis management dialogue.
Leaders should direct their respective governments to renew dialogue on crisis management—both ... ... New START extended for five years, Washington and Moscow should commit to further reduce U.S. and Russian deployed strategic nuclear weapons while working urgently to establish the mandate for and scope of a successor agreement to New START. As a first ...
... by the Euro-Atlantic Security Leadership Group (EASLG)
Statement by the Euro-Atlantic Security Leadership Group (EASLG)
We have crossed over to a new nuclear era in which cyber capabilities transform the nuclear risks. A successful cyberattack on nuclear weapons or related systems—including nuclear planning systems, early warning systems, communication systems, and delivery systems, in addition to the nuclear weapons themselves — could have catastrophic consequences.
Bilateral and multilateral ...
NTI Report
Russia and the West are at a dangerous crossroads. During the past several years, we have been in a state of escalating tension, trapped in a downward spiral of antagonism and distrust. With our militaries moving closer—in the skies over the Baltic Sea, in the depths ...
... Russian Federation should take to reduce the nuclear dangers described throughout this paper.”
Together with the next report, the text by Berls and Ratz will be very helpful to public, political, academic and journalistic circles in Russia and the West, which seek to make the use of nuclear weapons in the Euro-Atlantic region less likely.