... think not only about possible events in world politics over the next twelve months, but also about the likely trends in the development of the international system over the next ten years.
Andrey Kortunov:
Aristotle and Alexander: Two Perspectives on Globalization
First, let's get ourselves oriented and learn the terrain. Humanity today is going through a painful period of deglobalisation that affects all of us together and each one of us individually. This is not just about the immediate social or ...
... ecumene known to Europeans in BC 334–323. Certainly, history knew great conquerors before Alexander, people who established vast empires, but Alexander laid down, if we may say so, both the material and the ideological and political foundations of a globalization project in classical antiquity. Alexander emerged as a thoroughly cosmopolitan ruler on a global scale.
It is a well-known fact that Alexander was tutored and mentored by Aristotle, the greatest philosopher of classical antiquity, who had ...
... inadequate manner that it responded to the events of 2008–2009
“Man came silently into the world,” as the great 20
-century French philosopher and theologian Pierre Teilhard de Chardin shrewdly observed. The same can be said of globalization — globalization came into the world silently, and we do not even know for sure when it happened. The debates on exactly when this process started still rage to this day, and the range of opinions on the matter is great. Some date the start ...
... Westphalian world order?
Yet, after the pandemic and the structural global economic crisis, the “return to Westphalia” concept needs at least some major qualifications.
Are Nation States Really That Strong?
Andrey Kortunov:
What We've Learnt About Globalization
First, the strengthening of nation states is far from ubiquitous. As a rule, states bolster their standing if they were strong prior to the current cataclysms. Hardly anyone will earnestly discuss a “Westphalian renaissance” in the Middle ...
After several unprecedented global downturns in a little more than a decade, amid the reigning global crisis and the spectre of a second wave of the pandemic delivering renewed blows to global markets, is it at all conceivable to imagine a world where there is no place for such crises? It almost seems as if now crises are seen as an inevitable and perhaps even a progressive result of the free operation of market forces. Some theories go so far as to postulate the expediency of a crisis as a transformation...
Alexey Gromyko provides a Russian perspective on the impacts of the current pandemic on our globalised world
Humanity is currently facing some of the most profound changes we have seen in generations, presenting us with challenges and opportunities to reassess long-held concepts, structures, and ways of being. One of the most debated topics of the past few decades has been globalisation, which has followed a particular path shaped by the interests of a global order that was already shifting prior...
The myth of “blissful globalization” needs to be replaced by a project to reset the entire process where we learn from the mistakes of the past.
The coronavirus pandemic has plunged the world into all kinds of discouraging thoughts. Most analytical articles talk scathingly ...
... a new workforce, with the exception of a few in-demand jobs. Therefore, a second migration crisis following hard on the heels of the epidemiological crisis would be even more destructive for the European way of life than the first migration crisis.
Alarmists keep saying that the pandemic is a death sentence for globalization as we understand it today. Empty airports and hotels, cancelled exhibitions and forums, deserted city streets, no sporting events (including the Olympics)—all ...
... (Governance 2.0) and global/multilateral institutions (Governance 3.0). These stages in the evolution of global governance have reached limitations and constraints that call for new approaches towards modelling the global economic architecture. The advent of Globalization 4.0 and the Fourth industrial revolution are set to be accompanied by the emergence of Global governance 4.0 that incorporates the rising role of technology into the multilayered edifice of the global economy.
It is by now widely acknowledged ...
... intervene: the intellectual vector. Just as the USA and France, Russia has been a seedbed of ideas and concepts during the period of Modernity, and still is, but with a difference. Unlike France and the USA, it has seemingly abandoned the vocation of the globalization of its ideas and concepts; of its very perspective.
In this brief note, I wish to spotlight a few thematic areas in which a Russian intellectual intervention is imperative and feasible. These are the Cold war and the clash of contending ...