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November 4, 2013

Is there anything common between Rassvet [1] township in Tula Region (Russia) and Houston city, Texas (USA)? In fact not much, but if you would look closer, you could have found that Rassvet was a home for a JSC "Krasnobor" a poultry farm that came to existence in 2000 due to the direct U.S. investment. At present the farm produces stable…

November 4, 2013

Though kept under wraps, the ongoing peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians have had a disturbing record so far.  Earlier this week, the New York Times reported that the Palestinian envoys to the U.S.-brokered peace negotiations with Israel have resigned amidst continuing settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Unlike previous…

October 30, 2013

Islamist terrorist attack in the heart of Beijing, but also increasing attacks in India, demonstrate that these terrorists do not just attack Christian and Jewish targets, but also Buddhists and Hindus. As we suggested in "Great Powers, Rogue States and Terrorism," published in "The National Interest,"re-published by "Indian…

October 30, 2013

Today, relations between the United States and Russia are seen as cold relations through the Medias. For instance, the Snowden case, which has been raised since June 2013, is seen as the use of American intelligence defectors for Russia’s security purposes. Both former superpowers seem to restart the reminiscences of the Cold War.[1]

October 30, 2013

While praised as a triumph of contemporary diplomacy the United Nations regime to stop the spread of weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical, biological) seems to have enabled every nation that wants a WMD capability to obtain the technology to become a threat, or in the case of terrorists and other non-state actors, to employ proxy governments…

October 25, 2013

For the past decade Ukraine has been in the midst of a political tussle, or metaphorically a 'Geopolitical Football Championship'. Though, in all fairness, it is hard to see it as a unified team. As it appears more like a political trophy for two major sides. On one side, the EU aims to win Ukraine to make sure its gas is supposedly…

Blog: Casing Point
October 25, 2013

“None of the above!”, or “Against all” («Против всех»), is an option that a voter can choose at an election to determine that none of the candidates that are running for office reflects voter’s interests, or simply said it is an option to bespeak disapproval against all candidates. This curious…

October 22, 2013

Coming on the heels of the suicide bomber attacks in front of a Kabardino Balkaria  mosque  is the suicide bomb attack In Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad), 520 miles from the Northern Caucasus.  The female Jihadist from Dagestan, wearing a green scarf, blew herself up in a bus, killing six people and wounding 33 others. It is the first…

October 22, 2013

Coming on the heels of the suicide bomber attacks in front of a Kabardino Balkaria  mosque  is the suicide bomb attack In Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad), 520 miles from the Northern Caucasus.  The female Jihadist from Dagestan, wearing a green scarf, blew herself up in a bus, killing six people and wounding 33 others. It is the…

October 19, 2013

Despite the degree of uniqueness stemming from its particular specifics, each case of nuclear weapons proliferation also exemplifies one or more of the five main determinants of a state’s decision to acquire nuclear weapons that have been identified in the relevant literature: security, domestic politics, norms, technology and economics. While…

October 16, 2013

Long before Saladin the Kurd in took power in Egypt and Syria in 1174 child soldiers, child laborers and child prostitutes were a fact of life. Before the emergence of sharia law, before the Christian era, before the appearance of monotheistic Judaism and before the birth of the Orthodox Church.  In spite of efforts by Islamic fundamentalists, one…

October 16, 2013

Interview with “Mama” Hawa Aden Mohamed, 2012 Nansen Refugee Award_Global Education Magazine from Global Education Magazine on Vimeo.
Published in: http://www.globaleducationmagazine.com/interview-mama-hawa-aden-mohamed-2012-nansen-refugee-award/

Javier Collado interviews Hawa Aden Mohamed with special occasion of World Refugee Day…

Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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