Popular blogs

June 8, 2014

The affair of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, released by Taliban captives in exchange for five Guantanamo  terrorists, must be viewed by the Kremlin as a Kafkaesque, political farce.   .  Meanwhile, unnoticed by the White House and Kremlin, the anti-Taliban, presidential candidate, Abdullah Abdullah, was almost assassinated by terrorists on…

June 8, 2014

Thirteen years after Sept. 11, 2001 the United States still rightly prioritizes the development of new cadres for the intelligence community. This emphasis is not just logical because of the continued threat of terrorism but also makes sense when considering demographics: the oncoming retirement of the baby boom generation…

June 7, 2014

Whenever I hear the first sounds of Beethoven´s 5th  -- the allied signal for the liberation of Europe -- I recall those who fought  and died in Normandy on D-Day.  But on this 70th anniversary of one of the greatest crusades for liberty and freedom,  I am also acutely aware that, without Operation Overlord, I would not be…

June 5, 2014

It was calm along the Esplanade on the afternoon of Friday, May 23rd. Most demonstrators who protest in front of the futuristic buildings along Brasilia’s divided highway of government were gone for the weekend.
After former president Jose Inacio Lula da Silva (known as “Lula”) made headlines by saying that anybody who uses…

June 5, 2014

Talent Equity Newsletter interview with RIAC Program Director Ivan Timofeev.   What is leadership? Leadership is a lifestyle. At least two things differentiate the leader from others. The first is a vision of the future and understanding of what he wants from the future. The second is the will to achieve that future. Everyone makes plans for the…

June 2, 2014

Following months of violence targeted at the Muslim Shia community in Indonesia, the heinous worlds of Tardjono Abu Muas – Head of Indonesia Anti-Shia Alliance - have burned red hot fear into the hearts of all Shia in the region, as they feel the wind of genocide is blowing ever stronger their way.
Commenting on his group’s work…

June 1, 2014

There seems to be a strong divergence in American governmental perception behind Chinese and Russian command of cyberspace and their general cyber interaction with state authority. On the one hand, there is the assumption that this is a natural manifestation of the growing desire on the part of Russia and China to achieve global…

May 30, 2014

Do not concern yourself with whether or not you find your opinions in the majority or minority. Majority or minority is irrelevant. Find your truth through research, logic, evidence, and reflection, deep across all levels. How many do or don't believe in it is immaterial.
The world needs less sheep. The problem is not how big or small your flock…

May 30, 2014

In 1973, the Soviets wanted to organize a conference of European states. Their goal was to gain international recognition of the status quo in Europe, and more specifically to gain recognition of East Germany (DDR) as a state. Finland used this opportunity to not only invite European states, but also invite all states who were responsible for peace and…

May 29, 2014

The previous day was the most important, we did our best, so today we kind of have a time to relax and enjoy Putrajaya and the Belia Festival ourselves. The exhibition on out booths is still going on and we continue to show our traditional things and tell about countries. But also we can go around Putrajaya and explore Belia 2014. It is so huge and…

May 29, 2014

Many cyber experts state that the United States is woefully ill-prepared for a sophisticated cyber-attack and that each passing day brings us one step closer to a potential virtual Armageddon. While the problems hindering the development of an effective and comprehensive cyber deterrence policy are clear (threat measurement, attribution…

May 29, 2014

A few weeks ago President Putin announced the first shipment of Arctic oil extracted from the Prirazlomnaya platform. What are the potential benefits and risks of the much debated Arctic oil? Are we ready to handle the impacts of Arctic energy?
Enthusiasm and scepticism
Some weeks ago, President Putin…

Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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