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December 5, 2015

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Global Education Magazine - International Volunteer Day

"All that is not given is lost"
Indian Proverb
The Ecological and Social Footprint: A Challenge for Global Citizenship
La huella ecológica y social: un desafío para la ciudadanía mundial
Javier Collado Ruano, Director of Edition

December 4, 2015

On November 30th, Narendra Modi, Indian prime minister and François Hollande, president of France, launched together the “International Solar Alliance”. With the aim of providing developing countries with the technology for exploiting solar energy, Modi is heading an alliance of over 120 countries, situated in between the two tropics…

December 4, 2015

The 21st edition of the Conference of Parties (COP) is set to begin today, Monday November 30th in Paris. Organized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) it aims at bringing together world leaders in order to find an agreement over gas emissions and global warming for the period post 2020.  According to most…

December 1, 2015

When Turkey shot down that Russian bomber, what exactly was in the message and from whom, more importantly, was it coming from? Who was it that was really saying, “Come on baby light my fire. Try to set the night on fire?”
The fact that the Turkish plane, which shot down the Russian bomber, was an American made machine…

November 30, 2015

Recently I have bumped into a very interesting article by Marco Siddi dealing with the concept of identity building in international relations, an important branch of constructivist research theory. More specifically, the paper tried to give an explanation of why Germany, Lithuania and Poland have developed determinate national identities, and…

November 24, 2015

By Mathew Maavak
Mathew Maavak is a doctoral researcher in Security Foresight at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM).
Time to reorient our worldview?
“Global interconnectedness” and “global governance” are the unchallenged dictums of the day. But is this Eurocentric axiom relevant anymore? This may…

November 21, 2015

This was written as the Paris attacks unfolded.  I have preserved the unfolding nature of the original piece to connect the reader in a deeper sense to what I was feeling as I wrote this.

As this historic terrorist attack unfolds, France, Europe, the West, and the Middle East need to really think about what they've been doing and what…

November 20, 2015

Bernie, you know that Obama was M.I.A. in France after the terrorist attack in January.  Do now what Obama didn’t.   Travel to Paris and express your solidarity with Hollande.  Do you really not comprehend that we are in what the Pope has described as WWIII? The terrorists have just killed hostages in Mali.  Revenge is…

November 19, 2015

INTRODUCTION BY JVLV (Dr. Jiri Valenta and Leni Friedman Valenta.)
We are not experts on the Quran. However, we find many of Jake Neuman’s comments below worth contemplating. As we are writing these comments, thirty-one US. Governors, both Republicans and Democrats, have refused to accept the 10,000 Syrian refugees that President Barack Obama…

November 18, 2015

Why I believe that Russia is an ideal “Black Swan Robust” society

Whether or not the world is at all flattening, could be considered a mute, but very debatable point at the moment. One thing, however, which needs nor merits debate, is the rise in appearances of black swans, in the global works of things.
Robert Plant, associate…

November 16, 2015

What makes the foolishness of US Russia policy so mind boggling is that there have been so many serious warnings. US policy took its Russophobic turn despite powerful warnings from many of our most respected experts. Said George Kennan, architect of the doctrine of containment of the Soviet Union, in a 1998 interview, "I think it is the beginning…

November 14, 2015

Bernie! This is an open letter from two accomplished authors.  JVLV applauds your honesty about your democratic socialism and your critique, similar to Trump's and Cruz's, of the Washington Cartel.  But your debate strategy was a disappointment to us.   The ISIS attack on Paris is a game-changer.  You need to take off…

Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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