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October 1, 2013

Food security, energy security and environmental security are major policy concerns for nations, international organizations and ordinary people. Now, the World Health Organization has added a new numb to the sum of all fears.  A shortage of 4.3 million doctors, nurses and technicians. Call it health care security.   From Human Condition To…

September 28, 2013

This post will examine whether unrecognised states really fit such a title, and why it is that unrecognised states remain unrecognised and thus outside of the international state system. This will involve a brief appraisal of the definition of statehood itself, as well as a review of the two main theories concerning state recognition. Finally…

September 28, 2013

The 9/21 attack on a Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya by the terrorist group, Al Shabab, demonstrates that we share a particular concern with Russia. While they worry about Chechens  returning to savage their homeland after learning military tactics in Syria, Americans ponder if U.S. citizens fighting for Al Shabab in Kenya may return to…

September 24, 2013

Security concerns in recent times have been at the frontline of discussions both on national and at the international level. Within the span of 10 years from year 2013 backwards, it has been observed that security issues of some nations in Africa has been tampered with which has drawn major outcry to international communities. The question then…

September 24, 2013

Imagine a part of the U.S.A., from which the U.S.A. started - where is the cradle of your history? This is Kosovo for Serbia. Novak Djokovic, world tenis player No 1  In NATO bombing of Yugoslavia which began on 24 March, 1999. more than 2,000 people have been killed and nearly 5,000 wounded. There were severely damaged infrastructure, commercial…

September 22, 2013

They are terrorist groups who seek to build Islamist states in, as well as out of, non Islamist states.  They justify their murder of innocents as a tribute they pay to a God who apparently only approves of them.  Indeed, their battles are also with various sects of each other..  Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistn, the Philippines, Kenya…

September 19, 2013

The Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS) has repeatedly warned that illegal migration has shaped itself into a national security threat for the South-Eastern Mediterranean and Balkan region. The widespread internal destabilization of Arab countries (Egypt, Libya, Iraq and recently in Syria) has created the conditions for…

Blog: RIEAS Blog
September 19, 2013

Although there is much speculation on the nature of the Sino-Russian strategic partnership, most Western scholars view the Sino-Russian strategic partnership as limited, fragile, easily fractured, and not a formal alliance. There was always an assumption that Moscow and Beijing knew what the partnership was even if the outside…

September 18, 2013

If you decide to take metro train in Washington, DC, you’re most likely to hear a pleasant woman’s voice - “Safety is everyone’s concern” - referring to possibly dangerous lost bags. Although it sounds a little utopian, this phrase really describes one of U.S. key mottoes, which is also used in foreign affairs. In case of…

September 17, 2013

             Are we approaching a new chapter in Russian-American relations?  Though some American mindsets are congealed in the frigid certainty that a Russia, conceived in despotism, can never overcome its patrimony, we join those who have drawn a different conclusion.   What we…

September 17, 2013

Thank you, Fox News Panel 5, for pooh poohing people who quote Shakespeare on Twitter. We are deeply flattered, as that was of course us. We turned to Shakespeare in our desperation while watching the White House mismanagement of the Syrian crisis. We also noted how you tried to outdo each other boasting about your trivial literary pursuits while…

September 17, 2013

In recent days, the official U.S. position on the situation in Syria has experienced certain transformation. As we know, Russia called for putting Syrian chemical weapons storages under international control which must ultimately lead to its destruction. It is worth noting that the Moscow's proposal hit the bull's eye and was more than likely…

Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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