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April 22, 2013

Since its landslide victory at the general elections in 2010, Hungary’s governing Fidesz party and its leader, Viktor Orbán, have been pursuing an ‘opening to the East’. Behind this should lie a reasonable rapprochement with Russia and the resource-rich countries of the Caucasus and the Arab Peninsula. But petty political…

Blog: Westerlies
April 19, 2013

Yuri Gagarin was the first man to go to space on 12 April 1961.  This day is losing its significance for the Russian people today; we no longer follow developments in space, nor do we know what has happened to former cosmonauts.
The RIAC editorial staff thought it appropriate to draw the attention of our readership to this situation, so…

April 15, 2013

On 24 March, in the aftermath of a conflict beginning in December 2012, the Central African Republic (CAR) suffered a coup. Its president, François Bozizé, was overthrown, and power was seized by a group of rebels headed by Michel Djotodia. We discussed the prospects for the new government and the potential escalation of the Central…

April 12, 2013

"There is nothing more difficult to take in hand or more perilous to conduct… than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things." 
 – Niccolò Machiavelli 
Machiavelli's quote stresses three things. Firstly, it underlines that any new route will likely be perilous. Secondly, it…

Blog: Casing Point
April 11, 2013

There are three legislative mechanisms of water resources regulation in Central Asia. First, there is an international law - documents made by Interstate Commission for Water Coordination of Central Asia[1], declarations made by all Central Asian states and bilateral agreements on use of particular rivers[2]. Second, there are national water…

April 10, 2013

I, personally, admire convictions of the Iron Lady, the convictions that she stayed true to throughout her life. It is inhumane to gloat at anyone’s death, and it is a shame to see celebrating demonstrators who fail to step over political differences and see something much greater – Margaret Thatcher’s love for Britain, her…

April 8, 2013

During my analysis of UK media perspectives on the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, I have noticed several patterns: articles about Medvedev’s presidency invariably include a paragraph or two naming Putin as the ‘real power’ in Russia; almost every article which mentions Putin makes reference to his time in the KGB; when…

April 4, 2013

Authors:   Vassilios Damiras, Ph.D. (ABD), CEO Geostrategic Forecasting Cooperation - (GSFC)       Chryssoula Katsikoudi, Director of Middle Eastern Affairs and Women’s Issues in the Middle East at Geostrategic Forecasting Cooperation - GSFC     Events since the terrorists’ attacks of September 11, 2001, have…

April 4, 2013

Karmo Tüür is head of the Centre for Baltic and Russian Studies at the University of Tartu in Estonia. He is an acknowledged political scientist with an expertise in Russia and its relations to the Baltic region and the EU. In this short interview, conducted on the sidelines of the international conference ‘Russia and the EU: potential…

Blog: Westerlies
April 3, 2013

In recent days North Korea has gone much further in its rhetoric and provocations than ever before.  Early March Pyongyang threatened to exercise its "right to a pre-emptive nuclear attack", then it promised to strike the United States with “smaller and lighter nukes” and nullified the 1953 armistice, having…

April 2, 2013

Internet like Steam Engine, is a Technological Breakthrough that Changed the World
Peter Singer
Up to recently, I was sceptical about Singer's quote. As my economic background reminded me that the light bulb was more revolutionary for growth, and as I am quite a social person, I avoided too much online interaction; but my…

Blog: Casing Point
April 1, 2013

Continued from here
For those who stretched out in the quaint idealism of the first session, Anatoly Chubais’ speech must have come as a cold shower. Opening the second panel that addressed the economic parameters of the partnership and featuring representatives of big business, Mr Chubais said that the Customs Union has to be reflected…

Blog: Westerlies

Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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