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August 6, 2013

        At an international summer program of MGIMO (Russian Foreign Ministry Moscow State Institute of International Relations), more than a few professors mentioned that Russia and Japan are still technically “at the state of war” since there has been no conclusive peace treaty signed after the World War II…

August 6, 2013

Before leaving to meet Pope Francis in Brazil Argentine President Cristina Kirchner told her people she wished she had a little machine to print money.   Argentina has made some problematic business decisions in the hydrocarbons arena and as a result the nation has gone from being a net exporter to a net hydrocarbons importer in less than 24…

August 5, 2013

The ongoing shift of the global geopolitics’ center of gravity toward the Asia-Pacific raises the question about the role in this region of the world’s most powerful political-military alliance  – NATO. To be more specific, this question is about the potential role for NATO’s European wing, because the United States has…

August 4, 2013

Private military and security companies have often been characterized as modern mercenaries, an accusation that merits serious consideration, as mercenarism is illegal under international law. Although they have not been officially deemed unlawful, an examination of the relevant normative context reveals substantial inconsistency between the growing…

August 4, 2013

The controversy surrounding Russian Winter Olympics in 2014 has been steadily gaining momentum in light of anti-gay legislation and encroachments on civil liberties in Russia. Western newspaper columnists, policymakers, and gay rights activists alike have been calling for a boycott of the Olympic Games in Sochi, arguing that this move could open the…

August 1, 2013

The changing strategic realities after the gradual international pullout from Afghanistan will require an entirely new set of approach for the sustainability of non-extremist governance and stability of social fabric. Amid, such an unpredictable future of war-game stage of Central and South Asia, Russia is one of potential players that can come forward…

July 31, 2013

Pakistan and Russia has witnessed various ups and downs in their diplomatic and political relations over since the emergence of Pakistan. If we can say that these relations are as old as the presence of British Empire in the subcontinent then we are being historic are viewing the terms in the lens of the old Great game. The relations are old but…

July 27, 2013

Long accustomed to a seat on the sidelines of East Asian affairs, Russia now finds itself sought after as an energy and military partner, particularly by Vietnam, but increasingly by a wider range of states in Southeast Asia. Russia’s growing relations with Southeast Asian states, especially in energy and defense, and the development of an…

July 25, 2013

While on the one side of the planet, people are ardently buying new helmets along with bright yellow ribbons for their dusty bicycles, on the other side, people are busily exchanging their iconic means of transportation for new cars. As this shift is occurring, under the breeze of economic prosperity across Asia, South America and even Africa…

Blog: Casing Point
July 22, 2013

Can A Charismatic Figure Reform The United Nations?   Probably not.   When one speaks of reform one is really speaking about a subset of change. Whether it’s structure, culture or mission, change means turning the conversation into action.   A decade ago there was talk dans les couloirs that Sergio Viera de Mello, the charismatic…

July 19, 2013

Out of five Central Asian countries two still have the same leaders for more than 20 years, one faced its president’s death and transition from one “cult of personality” to another. As remaining eternal leaders age, more and more rumors about their successors rise from the media.
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan face a situation…

July 19, 2013

The Copenhagen Dilemma, as the EU’s lack of power to give meaning to its basic values after accession is called, is big. Not a big dilemma, but a big issue. In Brussels, talk follows conference as politicians and academics brainstorm together. With a report passed at the European Parliament’s last session this season, a viable path is…

Blog: Westerlies

Poll conducted

  1. In your opinion, what are the US long-term goals for Russia?
    U.S. wants to establish partnership relations with Russia on condition that it meets the U.S. requirements  
     33 (31%)
    U.S. wants to deter Russia’s military and political activity  
     30 (28%)
    U.S. wants to dissolve Russia  
     24 (22%)
    U.S. wants to establish alliance relations with Russia under the US conditions to rival China  
     21 (19%)
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